Flax Seed Keto Bread

If you're a lazy baker, you're going to love this recipe. As much as I enjoy cooking, easy recipes, especially when baking, are a guilty pleasure for me. This recipe, which consists of putting the ingredients in a Nutribullet and blending them up, is a clear winner in my book. Not only is it easy, it's delicious too. Happy baking!

Flaxseed Keto Bread

Serves: 4-5 // Prep Time: 1 hour


2 cups milled flax seeds

5 egg whites

2 whole eggs

1/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1/2 cup of water

1 tsp monk fruit powder (a bit less is fine)

1tsp baking powder

1tsp pink himalayan salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a food processor or high power blender, blend the dry ingredients together.

Add the wet ingredients and blend until well combined. The batter will resemble a sticky dough. 

Pour mixture into a lined/greased bread tin and bake until it is cooked through in the middle. You can use a toothpick or a knife to test this, but it should take 25-30  minutes. 

Remove from bread tin onto a cooling rack. Allow to cool for 15-20 min before slicing.


Flax seeds can go rancid quickly, so I recommend buying whole flaxseeds and milling them yourself in a high power blender. 

I like to line my bread tin with parchment paper, then grease the inside of the paper with coconut oil for easy removal. Then, you can easily wrap your bread in the same parchment paper it was cooked in. I recommend slicing it and consuming immediately.

This bread will keep in the fridge for a few days. If storing longer, slice it, freeze it, and use as needed. 

Feel free to use this recipe as a base to explore! Add nuts, seeds, or vegetables for a heartier version.

I hope you love this recipe as much as I do! When you decide to make it, comment below, let us know what you think, and post a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #besynchro so we can see it. Can’t wait to connect!

Stay Synchro,


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