Coconut Cinnamon Chia Pudding


For our next installment of keto treats, We have something for you to pair with our Keto Granola. Our Coconut Cinnamon Chia Pudding is the perfect replacement to yogurt, tastes amazing, and is 100% keto friendly. I have it for breakfast every. single. day, and after about 6 months, I'm still loving it! It's like eating dessert for breakfast, except it's good for you!



Coconut Cinnamon Chia Pudding 

Serves: 1-2 // Prep time: 5 min // Wait time: 1hr


50g chia (4tbsp)
1.5 tsp cinnamon (try to get "true cinnamon" aka ceylon cinnamon)
8oz coconut milk (we like So Delicious culinary coconut milk)
Pinch of monk fruit powder


Put all ingredients in a jar (Synchro Klean Kanteen is perfect for this)
Shake vigorously
Let sit 1 min
Shake vigorously again
Pour into a bowl
Leave in fridge for 1hr (freezer for 20 min can work in a pinch)


If you like your chia pudding thinner, add a splash of water or almond milk. 

If you like it thicker, add some more chia seeds. 

Coconut milk (in US)


I hope you love this chia pudding as much as I do! When you decide to make it, comment below, let us know what you think, and post a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #besynchro so we can see it. Can’t wait to connect!

Stay Synchro,



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